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Action Comics #1054 Cover B Rafa Sandoval Card Stock Variant


Unleash the power of the Man of Steel with Action Comics #1054 Cover B! Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens, and Dorado Quick, this gripping issue takes you on a thrilling journey alongside Superman and Natasha Irons as they battle the terrifying Necrohive. With stunning artwork by Rafa Sandoval, Dan Jurgens, and Yasmin Flores Montanez, this variant edition is a must-have for any comic book collector. Discover the shocking truth behind Metallo's transformation and witness an epic rematch between Superman and his formidable foe. Plus, dive into a new era for John Henry Irons in the captivating Steel Forged part 1. Don't miss out on this bold interlude that explores the intriguing world of Lois and Clark 2. Grab your copy now and experience the excitement of Action Comics like never before!

