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Toys, Comics, Collectables and Custom Decor

The Inappropriate Workplace


Players: 2 - 12 • Playing Time: 45 - 90 • Age: 14+

The hilarious card game of things you’ve always wanted to say at the workplace, but never could - until now!

The gameplay is simple, but tons of fun. Match the most inappropriate card to the workplace situation. Players select their favorite (or most awkward) card, and the player with the most cards at the end wins.

With 500+ cards, this game will provide your customers with plenty of replay value and hours of fun!


 “Of course this happens the one week Lisa from HR is out of office... Lisa’s not here so she can’t stop me.“ - Smosh Games

Key Selling Points

  • Hilarious theme to a familiar game format.
  • 100+ situation cards and 400+ response cards for great replay value.
  • Sparks conversations of personal experiences.
  • A great addition to any party game library. 

Game Contents

  • 100 Workplace Situation Cards
  • 400 Inappropriate Answer Cards
  • Gameplay Instructions

